Clarity is Queen.

- Jasmine I

Imagine this:

When you’re born you arrive with a deck of cards.

This deck of cards represents everything you CAN do and that you WILL do throughout your life.


As we both know, when you first arrive the adults around you MUST do everything for you.

THEY hold all of the cards FOR you.

They choose what you eat, what you wear, where you go, what’s allowed and what is not.

They tell you how to think about things in accordance with the cards that were handed down to them and they imprint THEIR images onto YOUR cards because that is what is familiar, and safe to them.

As you grow, you begin to do things for yourself, and with each new task you master like walking, feeding yourself, and speaking you get a card from YOUR deck back.

This is cause for celebration!

You begin to feel more powerful.

You start to realize that you have a voice. .That you want things. That you can ask for things.

And you do. You ask.


When you ask and get a “yes” you receive a card from your deck back telling you that this is OK.

I can have this.

This is safe.

This is acceptable.

I am ok.

I am allowed.


When you ask and get a “no” that card is held back from you.

You cannot have this.

This is not safe.

This is not acceptable.

You are not ok.

Not allowed.

That card is now unattainable for you.

You made a mistake.

You are not enough.

DO not pass go, do not collect $200.00

And - do not ask again.


Here’s how we get back what belongs to you.

We take stock.

We unpack the cards you DO have.

We sort through the allowed and the not allowed.

The good enough and the not good enough.

We see what is missing and we get those cards back to where they belong - with you.

We gather the hidden and shy parts of you that were held back, punished, and denied.

Then, once we’re playing with all of you, with your full deck of self, the adventure really begins because from that moment on you will know with all of you that what Glenda, the Good witch said in The Wizard of Oz is true:

You’ve had the power all along!

Lets’ begin.